• м. Тернопіль, вул. Замонастирська, 26
  • 0352 52-40-55
  • tvpu_spt@ukr.net


VET Institution “Ternopil Higher Professional School of Services and  Tourism”

Contact information: Ukraine, Ternopil, 46006, Zamonastyrska St., 26

Phone number: +38 (098) 571 97 74 

Contact person: Mariia Kuzyk, the Teacher of English, the Trainer of  Erasmus+ Programme

Phone number:+38 (067) 301 49 95 (Telegram, Viber), 

email: kyzuk.maria@tvpu.ukr.education 

Directions of Training: 

Service Sector: 

  • hairdresser, manicurist, make-up artist; 

  • florist; 


  • tailor; 

Construction Industry: 

  • plasterer, tiler 

Tourism Industry: 

  • agent of tourism; 

  • administrator; 

  • hotel service master; 

About us: 

VET Institution “Ternopil Higher Professional School of Services and  Tourism” is a modern educational institution that provides training for  professionals in light manufacturing, the service sector and the tourism industry. The educational institution’s reputation as an innovator in education and a  leader in the training of workers who are competitive and successful in the  regional labor market is increasing year by year. 

The professions are integrated . It expands the employment opportunities  for graduates. 

The training of qualified workers is carried out on a step-by-step basis.As  a result pupils are assigned highly qualified working ranks.

The industrial training at the VET institution is conducted in conditions  as close as possible to production conditions. 

Social partnership has been established with enterprises. They are the  customers of personnel where pupils have the opportunity to undergo practical  training and later they can find employment there. It is undoubtedly the key to  the successful functioning of our educational institution. 





International Projects: 

  1. Democracy: Ideas in Practice 

April 26th-29th, 2023, within the International cooperation between Kyiv  National University of Construction and Architecture and IFES with the support  of USAID, UKAID, CANADA, several teachers of VET Institution "Ternopil  Higher Professional School of Services and Tourism" together with 16  representatives from 14 state vocational education institutions took part in a  training on interactive teaching methods of the course "Democracy: from theory  to practice. 26 pupils of our VET institution participate in this project. 

  1. Environmental project "Sustainable Gardens: Climate, Peace.  Future" in Cervia (Italy). 

It was the Flower art exhibition in the open air in Cervia in Italy. From May 13th to 19th, 2023, pupils and teachers of our VET institution have  been presenting the project at an international exhibition in Italy, creating  flower beds in the national colors of Ukraine on the theme "Embroidery". 

  1. Complex of Schools of Natural Sciences and Services and School  Hostel in Jelenia Gora in Poland. 

Partners cooperate: 

  • on joint research projects;

  • in the exchange of ideas, concepts, information and resources;

  • in joint publications in specialized, periodical and own publications;

  • in joint participation in seminars and conferences that will be held by one  of the partners or both partners; 

  • in mutual assistance and exchange of expertise in the field of organization  and development of educational institutions. 

Five teachers of the institution participate in this project. 

  1. International youth organization AIESEC. 

The first step of cooperation is the support by our educational institution of the  global initiative "The Biggest Lesson in the World '', created by Project  Everyone and UNISEF . It is aimed at increasing awareness of the Sustainable  Development Goals among youth and children. "The Biggest Lesson in the  World '' was held with pupils of groups by profession "Agent of Tourism,  administrator". AIESEC in Ukraine has been involved in the implementation of  the project for more than 5 years to show and confirm the importance of  Ukraine's contribution to the Global Sustainable Development Goals. 

  1. Program"Company" (JA Company Programme) 

During 2023-2024, 7 pupils and 2 teachers has been taking part in a youth  entrepreneurship training program in Europe. 

They gain practical experience: the ability to work in a team, leadership and  presentation skills, experience in planning and implementing financial control - preparation for a successful career start. 


  • Ternopil Secondary School I-III degree No 10 of Ternopil City Council;

  • Ternopil Secondary School I-III degree No. 14 named after Bohdan  Lepky of Ternopil City Council; 

  • Ternopil Specialized School I-III degree No. 17 named after Volodymyr  Vykhrushch with advanced study of foreign languages;

  • Ternopil Specialized School I-III degree No. 24 of Ternopil City  Council. 

Areas of cooperation: 

  • exchange of experience with the aim of creating conditions for the  creative, intellectual, spiritual and physical development of pupils  forming their key and professional competencies; 

  • elaboration and implementation of a joint events of career guidance  system; 

  • providing national-patriotic education of youth; 

  • holding joint events for satisfaction of educational and cultural needs of  pupils and employees of VET institutions; 

  • implementation of joint programs to support capable and talented youth;

  • assistance in organizing meaningful leisure activities, excursion tours and  tourist routes.

Договір про співпрацю з Комплексом шкіл Природничих наук та сфери обслуговування в Єленя-Гурі

Договір про співпрацю з швейним підприємством Італія

Договір про співпрацю з Олустверською школою обслуговування та сільської економіки, Естонія

Договір про співпрацю з коледжем гастрономії м. Берлін, Німеччина

Договір про співпрацю з Всеукраїнською молодіжно громадською організацією "АЙСЕК в Україні"

Договір про співпрацю з гімназією м.Вільянді, Естонія   

Делегація з Естонії

     15 вересня 2021 року відбулася робоча зустріч між представниками Міністерства освіти Польщі, Польського Консульства в Україні та освітянами Тернополя. Перспективні вектори співпраці та стратегічні напрями міжнародного співробітництва обговорили під час зустрічі.

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